November 16, 2010

Kaspersky Key Loader v.

Buat nyari key Kaspersky Antivirus ama Kaspersky Internet Security semua versi dan selamat mencoba dengan descriptions sbb :

Kaspersky Key Loader - Utility to find the keys to Kaspersky's Antivirus. The program itself finds the internet keys and provides a list of Kaspersky Anti-Virus.
Howto use:
1. Before downloading a file off your antivirus.
2. Running the file kkll.exe add this to the exclusion of
    his anti-virus.
3. Need to wait a little until the utility will process the
4. After opening the main window, select a folder to save the keys, then in the vybiritenuzhny you antmvirus (by double clicking the left mouse button). Key will be in the selected folder.

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